Top Digital Marketing Trends To Look Out For In 2023

10th November 2022

With more technology-infused marketing channels, businesses need to keep pace with the latest digital marketing trends. Technologies like AI, voice search, and automation are becoming increasingly popular with businesses, as they provide access to a wider range of data and analytics.  Find out what trend is most suitable for your business and how to make the most out of these emerging digital marketing trends in 2023.

1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become one of the most popular and effective tools for promoting online businesses because it’s very cost-effective and has great ROI (return on investment). According to the Statista report, the global influencer marketing market value was USD 16.4 billion in 2019, and it is expected to reach USD 45 billion by 2023.

The most viable option for businesses is micro-influencers, as they are considered more engaging and realistic for customer and user engagement instead of celebrities.

In addition, according to Forbes’ insights into 2022 influencer marketing, there will be more activity across multiple platforms and a positive link between creators and brands.

2. Short Videos and Live Streaming Marketing

We live in an era where everyone wants things fast and quick but at the same time, they want good quality. The trend of short videos is going to increase further in the coming years. Short videos are easy and engaging to learn about products/services. Besides, if the video is short or live streaming on the internet platform then it’s a cakewalk for increasing engagement rates and leads. Therefore, video marketing is no longer just a trend. It has become an essential part of a digital marketing strategy.

3. Conversational Marketing

Conversational Marketing is a way of engaging consumers through messaging and other conversation-driven interfaces. It involves using messaging apps, voice assistants and other messaging interfaces to interact with customers. Consumers want to get more personalized services from brands, which can be delivered via a chatbot interface. 

 In the past years, 41.3% of consumers used conversational marketing tools for shopping and 70.8% of chatbots were used in communication and resolution of customer queries.

4. Personalisation

Personalizing is the key to a customer’s heart. To show dedication and extreme appreciation for users or customers, personalized marketing techniques are winning hearts. Based on Twilio‘s 2022 Personalization Report, 62% of customers tend to lose loyalty if the customer experience with your brand has un-personalized messages. 49% of customers reported that they are likely to buy again from a brand if personalized experiences are offered.

Personalization doesn’t just end at your website or app. Be it an email or a text message, it should be tailored according to the recipient’s needs, interests and preferences.

5. Metaverse

The Metaverse is real but not yet extensively used for marketing. Metaverse experiences are already being used by some brands to sell products and services, but many are still experimenting to find ways to make them useful for their customers and their businesses. While there is a lot of frenzy around the metaverse, most businesses don’t have good ROI yet.

6. Voice Search

According to a report by Google, about 27 % of the population uses voice search on a mobile device. In addition to this, the increase in e-commerce business has leveraged the need for voice search to optimize their business and product sales. This clearly indicates that people prefer talking to their devices rather than reading content on the internet or writing a question in the comment section. Considering these reports, it is clear that voice search is becoming an important trend in the digital marketing industry.

7. Visual Content Search

Google Lens has made it easier  for people to find exactly what they’re looking for. While image recognition is a technology that has been around for decades, it’s only recently gained the widespread attention of many companies such as Google and Amazon. All these features are fairly new and don’t have widespread recognition yet, but they are already helping SMEs generate more traffic and engagement on their websites. As people get more acquainted with these features, their popularity will continue to grow.

These key trends are going to impact all areas of digital marketing in the coming years; however, it is important for business owners to know what these trends are so they can stay ahead of the curve when it comes to influence of technology on their marketing activities.

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